how long is a year?

“Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.” Bill Gates

For many of us this statement is very true. Is this statement still true in smaller chunks of time? Do we overestimate what we can do in 1 month but underestimate what we can do in 12, and so on and so on? This statement could be true if we don't actually take action when something is in front of us. It could be true if we don't make S.M.A.R.T. goals. 






Here are some examples of S.M.A.R.T. goals.

  • Be able to Deadlift 500# by December 1st 2026. 

  • Get a 10 foot, 20# wall ball by November 2023. 

Here are a few examples of not so S.M.A.R.T goals.

  • Deadlift heavy in December.

  • Get a 20 foot 20# wall ball. 

The 1st not so S.M.A.R.T goal isn't Specific, Measurable or Timely. It gives a month but which December (in what year) and “what day?” Example 2 it is not Timely or Attainable. Now obviously someone might try to prove me wrong on this one. Please don’t, I like your face the way that it is. Some of you have written down your goals. Some of you have shared them with a few of the coaches. We would love to hear what things you are trying to accomplish in your life. We have a goals sheet if you would like to fill it out. By breaking down a large goal into smaller, more digestible pieces we can see our progress. For example:

Ultimate goal: 10 Unbroken strict pullups. (Starting place, 0 pullups but can do red band strict)

S.M.A.R.T. goal overarching

10 unbroken pullups by October, 2024.

Breaking it down further

1 unbroken strict pull up by December, 2024

Find the bite size version of whatever the goal is and just focus on that. That's one reason why the PR board and ringing that bell is so helpful. It allows us to maintain perspective. And that perspective is that we are doing a really great job. Here are some of our PR’s just from the last half of the month of September. Keep making those gains. 

Keep building,

James and Bre Cooper


Operation. Always Watching.


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