BEST Morning routine. Let food be thy medicine...

The BEST morning routine

Morning routines. Everyone has one. Even if you think you don't, you do. Some of us roll out of bed with eyes barely open, zombie walk to our clothes set out the night before and head over to the gym. Some of us wake up with smiles on our face with birds chirping as we sit down to our perfectly prepared overnight oats. Even still a few of us have a “morning” routine that is more like an afternoon routine because of working a grave shift. 

What does your routine look like? It doesn't need to look like anything in particular, just choose some things you do everyday that make you feel better. 

Here is what I am trying to do in my morning routine

  • Walk for 1 hour with silence and just my thoughts

  • Sauna for 3 hours

  • Cold plunge for 3 hours

  • Read 2 books cover to cover

  • Shave and shower

  • Then get to work

Obviously I am just kidding. I am actually in a season where my morning routine has been shortened quite a bit. I would like to return to my old one at some point. I know I will get there. I think we should use the morning routine to help us, not be prisoner to the routine. So while I am bummed my routine has been cut short I am not feeling like I am failing in this season. So often we get stuck in mindsets, thinking we HAVE to do this or that. 

Dr Huberman has a great morning routine, but is not accessible to everyone. Be inspired by it but don't think of it as doctrine.

The best morning routine is the one that you do consistently. It is the one that allows you to have great mental clarity. And honestly that routine doesn't start in the morning but the night before. You see, this cycle that we get into determines so much of our life. Have you ever had a 4 hour night of sleep? How do you feel that day? I am sure I am not the only one that has a hard time staying focused, or yawns at an excessive level. That is an example of the previous night affecting the next day's routine.

Have you ever spent the first part of your day scrolling IG sitting on the toilet so long your legs get numb??? This is an example of letting things happen to us. I am trying to choose what happens in my life. But that is easier said than done.

How can we choose the things in our morning routine? How can we be specific and intentional even with only 1 minute in the morning? 

Let’s talk about food

“Abs are made in the kitchen”

“You are what you eat”

 “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.” (That one is from Hippocrates)

These are just a few of the sayings we have all heard about food or how it affects our bodies. I think we all know that we don’t lose weight, gain skills or improve our resilience against sickness without improving what we eat or how we think about food.

We don’t have to be perfect. But the little things we do, help us along our journey. I want to be clear that I am not pushing any one thing in particular. Not everyone's body is the same, so not every diet, food plan or lifestyle choice hits all the marks. made a helpful article. CLEAN OUT YOUR KITCHEN: EASY SWAPS + GROCERY LIST. The key when reading this article is to notice when it says “with added sugar” or “with processed seed oils” But also recognize that we aren't strict on this ourselves. Bre and I have worked hard over the years to be kind to our bodies and minds. Bre and I eat donuts or cupcakes occasionally, we drink milkshakes sometimes. I am not saying to never have processed sugar, just be thoughtful about it.

I like the CrossFit mindset on food because it helps us get out of the food habit rut. And it keeps it very simple. 

“Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat.”

What about Paleo, Primal, Keto, Counting Macros? There are benefits to each of these. But I think the simple, principle based nature of the CrossFit eating plan is really quite refreshing.

Even just eliminating your most consumed, or most tempting food from your home can improve your health and fitness. 

Keep building,

James and Bre Cooper


My actual ideal morning routine

- 15-30 minute walk in silence (just thinking)

- 15 minutes of prayer

- Magnesium, apple cider vinegar shot

- 20 ounces of water

- Shave, 2 minutes of cold shower, warm shower, get ready for work


how to sneeze


Smile of a competitor. Keep going!